Celebrate Shirlee Bertolini

Homecoming Weekend October 18 – October 20, 2024

Shirlee Bertolini logo

Host Hotel:
Tucson Marriott University Park
880 East 2nd Street, Tucson, AZ 85719 Ph. 520-792-4100
Please click LINK to reserve a room (20 available)
GROUP: UA Baton Twirling Alumni
Last Day to Book: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Special rate is $269.00 (University of Arizona Rate)
Tickets and T-Shirts
Event Tickets, T-Shirts and More:
Ended: Thank you

Arizona vs. Colorado Football:
Buy Game Tickets

Schedule of Events

Friday, October 18, 2024

5pm – 7pm Agave House
Let the good times roll as we kick off our 70th season of twirlers in Arizona Stadium. Local modern cocina serving all the flavors of Tucson. Each guest will be paying for a meal/beverage of choice individually. Reservations are limited to 30 people. Please reserve your space early. RSVP to [email protected].

7pm – 8pm Homecoming Bonfire
Kick off the weekend with The Pride of Arizona at the annual homecoming bonfire on the west side of Old Main.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

8am – 9:45am Breakfast Buffet with Shirlee – $60
Canyon Room, Tucson Marriott University Park
Breakfast buffet in the Canyon Room with the “Grande Dame” of the Pride Shirlee Bertolini. A donor has paid for the breakfast.  Your ticket will go towards supporting the Shirlee Bertolini Scholarship Fund.

10am – 12pm Rehearse with the Pride of Arizona & Alumni Band
Practice in Arizona Stadium for a Pre-game performance
Do you remember your Bear Down routine? We are looking forward to seeing all the different versions on the field. Please wear your CELEBRATION shirts. Can’t wait!

2pm – 4pm A-R-I-Z-O-N-A Twirler ERA’s Rooms – $30
Canyon Rooms (A,B,C) Marriott University breakout rooms by ERA (Looking for volunteer hosts for each ERA)
Settle in with light snacks as you prepare for a deep dive into wonderful photos and history. Catch up with lifelong friends. Drop into your era room or visit all of them! 50-70’s era, 80-90’s era, 2000-current twirlers. We will have photos on hand, and you can pick up your ERA shirts and/or CELEBRATION shirts here if you missed getting them Friday night or Saturday morning.

Please note: If the game is moved to an afternoon time, the ERA rooms will move to the evening at the Marriott University.

6pm Call Time (Subject to change pending game time)
Please meet at Ina Gittings building, 1737 E University Blvd
You will receive a wrist band from athletics upon showing your purchased game tickets. All Alumni Twirlers will all march into the stadium with the band wearing our ERA t-shirts. Catch it! Bear Down! BEAT the BUFFS!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

9am – 12:30 pm University of Arizona Twirl Team Clinic – $145/$110
Shirlee’s Twirl Clinic by Arizona Twirling Team, location North Rec Court

Beginner, intermediate, and advance group classes will be offered. We will offer 3 twirling sessions with rotating twirl team instructors. If you sign up for the beginner baton class, you will be provided with a baton. Each student signing up for the clinic will receive a CELEBRATION t-shirt. Beginning workshop with baton is $145. Intermediate & Advanced workshop are $110.

T-Shirts & Packages

T-shirt: ERA’s – $35

T-shirt: CELEBRATION – $35

Package: Breakfast with Shirlee, ERA’s rooms, and CELBRATION t-shirt or ERA t-shirt – $115 ($10 discount)

** Please note: ALL times may change and events reshuffled due to changes in game time. All purchases have been paid by donor.  Your purchases will go towards the Shirlee Bertolini Scholarship Fund.
Deadline is October 1, 2024.
For more information, please email Kirsten Cloutier Grabo

Please donate to the Shirlee Bertolini Scholarship Fund and support the Arizona Twirlers!